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Think. Again.

Think. Again.'s Journal
Think. Again.'s Journal
May 30, 2024

Dear history books....

Today something happened that you might find interesting....

May 30, 2024

Truth, socialized.

May 23, 2024

The Minnesota GOP Endorsed an Anti-semite for U.S. Senate.

By Judd Legum and Tesnim Zekeria
May 23, 2024
Full Article: https://popular.info/p/the-minnesota-gop-endorsed-an-anti

Earlier this month, Congressman Tom Emmer (R-MN) blasted college students protesting Israel's military operations in Gaza. "By these students’ own admission, they’re not just standing in solidarity with this pro-Hamas, anti-Semitic movement—they ARE the movement," Emmer told the Washington Free Beacon. "Perhaps they’d be happier studying at Terrorist University before pursuing their careers in Gaza."


Now, Emmer and the other Republican members of Minnesota's Congressional delegation are being confronted with an issue much closer to home. Last Saturday, the Minnesota Republican Party formally endorsed Royce White, a former NBA basketball player, to be the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate. White was introduced at the Minnesota GOP convention by Steve Bannon, the far-right polemicist and former Trump advisor. Bannon has guided White's evolution from a Black Lives Matter protester to a MAGA Republican. In the process, White has publicly promoted deeply anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

In April 2022, White wrote on his Substack that "many of the Jewish people have lost their faith in a loving God," and their faith has been replaced by "materialism" and "a survivalist impulse that can give birth to the darkest of intentions and most grandiose effort for world control." In another rambling post published in September 2022, White said his criticism of Jewish people is not anti-Semitic because he is actually criticizing "anti-Jews." Many Jews, according to White, "joined the woke armies of globalists." These Jews, White said, became "globalists" because they "hate God" and "are enemies of all."

White defended Ye (formerly Kanye West) after the rapper praised Hitler in 2022. At the time, White criticized Jews for focusing on the Holocaust "to provide a victimhood cover for their own corrupt practices." White later praised Ye for speaking out against "the Jewish lobby." White also asserted that "[t]here is a group of Jewish elite, that tends to be secular in belief and corrupt in political practice." White has described Israel as "the lynchpin of the New World Order," a conspiracy theory that posits that elites are conspiring to create a global totalitarian government.


Full Article: https://popular.info/p/the-minnesota-gop-endorsed-an-anti

May 20, 2024

I'm having trouble, again, using the paypal portal...

...to chip in to the tip jar.

This has happened before, but sometimes I can get payments thru to DU (like my star membership), although I don't remember what that process was.

I'm trying yo use the "pay as guest" option but it just keeps circling me back around to the first page, sometimes making me jump through captcha hoops, but never actually processes the payment (that I'm aware of).

Is there any way I can just make a secure credit card payment to DU without being blocked like this?

April 30, 2024

New Internal Big Oil Documents Just Dropped

Emily Atkin and Arielle Samuelson
Apr 30, 2024
Full Article: https://heated.world/p/new-internal-big-oil-documents-just

The Senate Budget Committee is officially reviving the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into fossil fueled climate delay.

In 2021, Congressional Democrats subpoenaed Big Oil for internal documents detailing the industry’s role in worsening the climate crisis.


The internal materials are from Exxon, Chevron, Shell, BP, the American Petroleum Institute, and the Chamber of Commerce. They’re being released today as part of the Senate Budget Committee’s upcoming hearing on Wednesday morning, titled “Denial, Disinformation, and Doublespeak: Big Oil’s Evolving Efforts to Avoid Accountability for Climate Change.”

Both the hearing and the documents mark the revival of the House Oversight Committee’s two-year investigation into the fossil fuel industry, and its role in misleading Americans about climate change. That investigation was put on ice when Republicans won back control of the chamber in late 2022.

Democrats say their new findings provide “a rare glimpse into the extensive efforts undertaken by fossil fuel companies to deceive the public and investors about their knowledge of the effects of their products on climate change and to undermine efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions.” (emphasis mine)

Full Article: https://heated.world/p/new-internal-big-oil-documents-just

April 27, 2024

Here's a link to the Whitehouse Correspondents Dinner...

C-Span on youtube;


April 17, 2024

"Reprehensible": Fossil Fuel Industry Infiltrates Civil Rights Convention (X-post)


Arielle Samuelson and Emily Atkin, Apr 16, 2024
Full Article: https://heated.world/p/reprehensible-fossil-fuel-industry

Al Sharpton invited methane representatives to his National Action Network convention, where they fear-mongered attendees about renewables.

When attendees of Al Sharpton’s annual civil rights convention showed up for a panel on clean energy, the famed minister and TV personality promised them a "stellar" talk about the energy transition and racial justice.

What they got was four paid members of the methane gas industry—who described themselves as Democrats speaking "truth to power"—telling them that phasing out fossil fuels is not in the best interest of the Black community.


”A flagrant denial of both science and reality”

The NAACP has said that methane gas “poses significant damages to the health and well-being of frontline communities” and “is not a climate solution.” https://naacp.org/resources/resolution-against-natural-gas-climate-solution-or-bridge-fuel-clean-energy-future

The NAACP has also warned against these exact rhetorical tactics from the fossil fuel industry targeting Black communities, noting that the industry creates “deceptive alliances with local churches, non-profit organizations, and other groups” to downplay the environmental and economic harms of their products. https://naacp.org/sites/default/files/documents/Fossil-Fueled-Foolery-2.0-abridged-4_1_2021.pdf

Much more in-depth article at https://heated.world/p/reprehensible-fossil-fuel-industry

From the NAACP

Top 10 Fossil Fuel Industry Tactics

1. Invest in Efforts that Undermine Democracy

2. Finance Political Campaigns & Pressure Politicians

3. Fund Scientists and Scientific Research Institutions to Publish Biased Research

4. Say Government Regulations Hurt the Economy and Low-Income Communities

5. Deny or Understate the Harms Polluting Facilities Cause to People and the Environment

6. Deflect Responsibility – Shift Blame to Communities They Pollute

7. Co-opt Community Leaders and Organizations and Misrepresent the Interests and Opinions of Communities

8. Exaggerate the Level of Job Creation and Downplay the Lack of Quality and Safety in Jobs

9. Praise False Solutions While Claiming that Real Solutions are Impractical, Impossible, or Harmful for BIPOC and Poor Communities

10.“Embrace” Renewables to Control the New Energy Economy

From: https://naacp.org/sites/default/files/documents/Fossil-Fueled-Foolery-2.0-abridged-4_1_2021.pdf

April 17, 2024

"Reprehensible": Fossil Fuel Industry Infiltrates Civil Rights Convention

Arielle Samuelson and Emily Atkin, Apr 16, 2024
Full Article: https://heated.world/p/reprehensible-fossil-fuel-industry

Al Sharpton invited methane representatives to his National Action Network convention, where they fear-mongered attendees about renewables.

When attendees of Al Sharpton’s annual civil rights convention showed up for a panel on clean energy, the famed minister and TV personality promised them a "stellar" talk about the energy transition and racial justice.

What they got was four paid members of the methane gas industry—who described themselves as Democrats speaking "truth to power"—telling them that phasing out fossil fuels is not in the best interest of the Black community.


”A flagrant denial of both science and reality”

The NAACP has said that methane gas “poses significant damages to the health and well-being of frontline communities” and “is not a climate solution.” https://naacp.org/resources/resolution-against-natural-gas-climate-solution-or-bridge-fuel-clean-energy-future

The NAACP has also warned against these exact rhetorical tactics from the fossil fuel industry targeting Black communities, noting that the industry creates “deceptive alliances with local churches, non-profit organizations, and other groups” to downplay the environmental and economic harms of their products. https://naacp.org/sites/default/files/documents/Fossil-Fueled-Foolery-2.0-abridged-4_1_2021.pdf

Much more in-depth article at https://heated.world/p/reprehensible-fossil-fuel-industry

From the NAACP

Top 10 Fossil Fuel Industry Tactics

1. Invest in Efforts that Undermine Democracy

2. Finance Political Campaigns & Pressure Politicians

3. Fund Scientists and Scientific Research Institutions to Publish Biased Research

4. Say Government Regulations Hurt the Economy and Low-Income Communities

5. Deny or Understate the Harms Polluting Facilities Cause to People and the Environment

6. Deflect Responsibility – Shift Blame to Communities They Pollute

7. Co-opt Community Leaders and Organizations and Misrepresent the Interests and Opinions of Communities

8. Exaggerate the Level of Job Creation and Downplay the Lack of Quality and Safety in Jobs

9. Praise False Solutions While Claiming that Real Solutions are Impractical, Impossible, or Harmful for BIPOC and Poor Communities

10.“Embrace” Renewables to Control the New Energy Economy

From: https://naacp.org/sites/default/files/documents/Fossil-Fueled-Foolery-2.0-abridged-4_1_2021.pdf
April 16, 2024

California Exceeds 100% of Energy Demand with Renewables Over a Record 30 days

Michelle Lewis Apr 15 2024 - 10:29 am PT
Full Article: https://electrek.co/2024/04/15/renewables-met-100-percent-california-energy-demand-30-days/

In a major clean energy benchmark, wind, solar, and hydro exceeded 100% of demand on California’s main grid for 30 of the past 38 days.

Stanford University professor of civil and environmental engineering Mark Z. Jacobson has been tracking California’s renewables performance, and he shares his findings on Twitter (X) when the state breaks records. Yesterday he posted:
At the two-week record mark, Ian Magruder at Rewiring America made this great point on LinkedIn:

"And what makes it even better is that California has the largest grid-connected battery storage facility in the world (came online in January …), meaning those batteries were filling up with excess energy from the sun all afternoon today and are now deploying as we speak to offset a good chunk of the methane gas generation that California still uses overnight."

Full Article: https://electrek.co/2024/04/15/renewables-met-100-percent-california-energy-demand-30-days/

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